Monday, June 6, 2011

Raising Rossela Tea

Rosella petals, it feels good, has a positive pharmacological effects such as diuretics (urine start), onthelmintic (repayment worms), antibacterial, antiseptic, reduces inflammation, heat, shed mucus, lowers reduce blood pressure, the viscosity of the blood and stimulates the intestinal peristalsis. Leaves, fruits, seeds, and also acts as a diuretic, antisariawan and painkillers. Rosella calyx can overcome the heat in, mouth ulcers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems, constipation, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and prevent blood cancer progressing.
Rosella Hibiscus sabdariffa Latin name is on the rise. Although this work has long been in Indonesia. used Previously known as Rosella frambozen petals as material for a delicious typical red syrup. Today, the petals Rosella as a component of beverages and tea called Rosella known. Plant hibiscus relatives that are still being found as hedgerows.


  1. Nice info..
    I like it.
    Keep smile :)
    Rumah Siput

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