Plants guava as Traditional Medicines

why I was interested in plants because  guava is one of the many plants that have a high efficiency for our health. and Tanama guava can also be classified as traditional medical plants because these plants can be cultivated very easily and become drug treatment processes do not need special skills and is simple enough too traditional.
Plants guava as Traditional Medicines for processing in my opinion no need to use methods and special special skills. Why not turn it that way because we treat other food ingredients derived from plants only difference in the use as a medicine to help healing and different levels of user and also more in character preferably at the time of treatment of certain diseases.
Curable Disease :
Diabetes melitus, maag, Diarrhea (abdominal pain), Cold, beser, Prolapsisani, Thrush, Skin Hospital, a new wound;
Utilization :
1. Diabetes melitus
    Ingredients: 1 half-ripe guava fruit
    Method: Guava fruit split into four parts and boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered to take
    How to use : drink 2 times a day, morning and aternoon
2. Ulcer
    Ingredients: 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh.
    Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling, then filtered to take water.
    How to use: drink 3 times day morning and afternoon and evening.
3. Abdominal Pain (Diarrhea)
    Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaf, 1 pieces of root, bark and trunk filtered to take water
    Method: boiled with 1.5 liters o water to boiling and then filtered to take water.
    How to use: drink 2 times daily morning and aternoon.
4. Abdominal pain or dearrhea in infants who are breast-feeding
    Ingredients: young guava and salt to taste.
    How to use: chewed by mothers who brestfeed the baby, water is swallowed and the pulp discarded.
5. Catch a cold
    Ingredients: 10 sheets of guava leaves are still young, 1 point chilired, 3 eye fruit acid, 
    1 pieces of  palm sugar, salt to taste.
    How to make: all the ingredients are boiled togethet with 1 liter water to boiling and then filtered  
    to  take water.
    How to use: dringk 2 times a day.
6. Beser (frequent urination) excessive
    Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves are still young, 3 tablespoons of powdered fried rice with no oil
    (couple = Java).
    How to make: two ingredients are boiled together with 2.5 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and then
    How to use: drink every 3 hours 3 tablespoons.
7. Prolapsisani
    Ingredients: 1 handful o guava leaf, 1 guava bar skin cut .
    Way of making: braised together with 2 cups water to boil, then filtered to take water.
    How to use: water mixture is still warm in a state used to compress the shaft intestinal mucous membrane
    (navel) in baby.
8. Sprue
    Ingredients: 1 handul of guava lea, 1 1 guaa bar skin cut.
    Way of making: braised together with 2 cups water to boil, then filtered to take water.
    How to use: drink 2 times a day.
9. Skin Pain
    Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves are still young, 7 flowers guava.
    How to make: mashed together until smooth
    How to use: to rub the skin of the sick.
10. New bandage
      Ingredients: 3 guava leaf
      Method: chew until soft
      How to use: placed on the injured body part for vapod not blood continuously.
     CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Fruit, leaves and bark of guava tree contains tannin, is in the interst does not contain a lot tannins, such as essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids and vitamins. The content of guava fruit (100 gr) - Calories 49 cal - Vitamin A 25 SI - 0.02mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 87 mg - 14 mg Calcium - Hydrate Charcoal 12.2 grams - Phosphourus 28 mg - 1.1 mg Iron - Protein 0.9 mg - 0.3 grams Fat - 86 grams Water.
Source: IPTEKnet.
CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Fruit, leaves and bark of guava tree contains tannin, is in the interest does not contain a lot of tannins.Guava leaves also contain other substances except tannins, such as essential oils, ursolic acid, acid psidiolat, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids and vitamins. The content of guava fruit (100 gr) - Calories 49 cal - Vitamin A 25 SI - 0.02 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 87 mg - 14 mg Calcium - Hydrate Charcoal 12.2 grams - Phosphorus 28 mg - 1.1 mg Iron - Protein 0.9 mg - 0.3 grams Fat - 86 grams Water
Source: IPTEKnet